What is an interim CIO/CTO

We provide CIOs, CTOs, and other key IT leaders on an interim basis to keep your company thriving during the recruitment process or an extended leave of absence. With an interim CIO you get the expertise you need to keep your IT department running smoothly without increasing overhead.

Our Interim CIO/CTOs are executives who have been full-time CIO/CTOs in the past and bring with them not only IT expertise, but also an understanding of the larger picture.

The Interim CIO/CTO focuses on:

  • Keeping the lights on – continuing BAU projects;
  • Assisting in recruiting and interviewing replacement candidates;
  • Advising executives on decisions in the IT realm;
  • Transition efforts, if needed, following a merger or divesture.

Mentoring a new CIO/CTO

An interim CIO/CTO can also play a key role in mentoring a new executive who just got promoted. A seasoned executive is able to provide advice and guidance, free of any stakes in internal company dynamics, that will give the new CIO/CTO the guidance, mentorship and tools they need to succeed while avoiding the costly ‘rookie’ mistakes that are common to newly-minted executives.